donna hay magazine

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Just like a big, warm and comforting cuddle, there’snothing like snuggling up in a soft, luxurious knit onachillyday.Myfavouritewoollyjumpersandcardigansarelikeoldfriends–reliable,familiarandguaranteedtogive you that safe and cosy feeling. They’re my wearablesecurity blanket! What’s all the more special is when awinter woollen has been handmade, just for you. Thisbeautiful high-neck knit, magically created from tumblingspools of gorgeous inky blue wool, was a thoughtful giftfrom my dear friend’s mother, Nonni. It gives me the sameglowingsenseofwarmthIgetwhenIvisitNonni’shomewith my boys (usually for lasagne night!) – she’s theepitome of the sweet and nurturing Italian grandmother.I love that you can create something so simple andmeaningful with just a few balls of pure, soft wool,apairofknittingneedlesandakindheart.cosy knitsPHOTOGRAPHY``````CHRIS COURT``````STYLING``````EMMALY STEWART162 http://www.donnahay.comthings I love

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