pumpkin, caramelised onion and feta gratin1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil1kg jap pumpkin (squash), peeled, seeded and choppedsea salt and cracked black pepper½ cup (140g) store-bought caramelised onion relish100g feta, crumbled½ cup (40g) flaked almonds¾ cup (180ml) single (pouring) cream``````Preheat oven to 250°C (485°F). Heat the oil in a large ovenprooffrying pan over high heat. Add the pumpkin, salt and pepper,and cook, covered, for 8â10 minutes or until just cooked through.Top with the caramelised onion, feta, almonds and cream. Cookfor 10 minutes or until golden and bubbling. Sprinkle withpepper to serve. Serves 4â6 as a side.
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nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)