(Axel Boer) #1
(r)analysis 373

Figure 13.2. Full correlation for the same data of figure 13.1 in the range of distances
0.5–100h−^1 Mpc. A reference line with a slope−1 is also shown (i.e. fractal dimension

avalaible. Our analysis was carried out for VL samples; the results are collected
in figure 13.2 [6].
We can derive the following conclusions:

  • (s)measured in different catalogues is apower lawas a function of the
    scales, extending from approximately 1 to 40–50h−^1 Mpc, without any
    tendency towards homogenization (flattening) [6]. This implies that all the
    optical catalogues show well-defined fractal correlations up to their limits,
    with the fractal dimensionD2[6].

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