(Axel Boer) #1
Lens equation 389

and the position anglesφ±for the axes are


γ 1
γ 2


γ 1
γ 2

) 2

+1or tan2φ±=−

γ 2
γ 1

. (14.48)

The ellipticity of the image is defined as follows.

= 1 +i 2 =

1 −r
1 +r

e2iφ, r≡


, (14.49)

whereφis the position angle of the ellipse andaandbare the major and minor
semi-axes, respectively. aandbare given by the inverse of the eigenvalues
of the matrixAijdefined in equation (14.42), thusa =( 1 −k−γ)−^1 and
b=( 1 −k+γ)−^1. describes the orientation and the shape of the ellipse
and is thus observable. Let us denoteg=||with


1 −κ



1 −κ


, (14.50)

which is called thereduced shear. One often uses a complex notation with
γ=γ 1 +iγ 2 and then accordingly one defines a complex reduced shear. Classification ordinary images

If we consider a fixed value forβ,then(θ,β)defines a (two-dimensional)
surface for the arrival time of the light. Ordinary images, for which detA(θ)=0,
are formed at the pointsθ,where∇θ(θ,β)=0. Thus the images are localized
at extremal or saddle points of the surface(θ,β)and are classified as follows.

  • Images of type I: These correspond to minima of, with detA>0, trA> 0
    (and thusγ< 1 −k≤1,ai>0,μ≥ 1 −^1 γ 2 ≥1).

  • Images of type II: These correspond to saddle points of, with detA< 0
    (then( 1 −k)^2 <γ^2 ,a 2 > 0 >a 1 ).

  • Images of type III: These correspond to maxima of, with detA >0,
    trA<0 (with( 1 −k)^2 >γ^2 ,k>1,ai<0).

Consider a thin lens with a smooth surface mass densityk(θ),which
decreases faster than|θ|−^2 for|θ|→∞. For such a lens the total mass is
finite and the deflection angleα(θ)is continuous and tends to zero for|θ|→∞,
thereforeαis bounded:|α|≤α 0. Moreover, let us denote bynIthe number of
images of type I for a source located inβ, similarly fornIIandnIIIand define
ntot=nI+nII+nIII. If these conditions are fulfilled then the following theorems

Theorem 14.1.If the previous conditions hold andβis not situated on a caustic,
the following conditions apply:

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