(Axel Boer) #1
Spatial and velocity biases 443

Figure 15.7. Evolution of the correlation function of the dark matter and halos. The
correlation function of the dark matter increases monotonically with time. At any given
moment it is not a power law. The correlation function of halos is a power law, but it is not
monotonic in time.

one moves from low to highk) compared with the prediction of the linear theory.
The exact position of this point may have been affected by the finite size of the
simulation boxkmin= 0. 105 h−^1 Mpc, but the effect is expected to be small.

Atz=0 the bias hardly depends on the mass limit of the halos. There is
a tendency of more massive halos to be more clustered at very small distances
r< 200 h−^1 kpc, but at this stage it is not clear that this is not due to residual
numerical effects around centres of clusters. The situation is different at high
redshift. At very high redshiftsz > 3 galaxy-size halos are very strongly
(positively) biased. For example, atz =5 the correlation function of halos

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