(Axel Boer) #1
Index 475

shape in a VL sample, 373
cone diagrams, 344
anomaly, 160
time, 51
connection components, 122
conservation equations, 110, 115
consistency checks, 146
constituents of the early universe,
continuity equation, 54
convective derivative, 14
coordinate basis, 122
Eulerian, 48
correlation function, 59, 345, 367
as tool for test homogeneity, 368
canonical shape, 371
discussion on the shape, 374
standard value, 371
for a fractal, 370
shape for a ML sample, 371
shape for a VL sample, 371
correlation length, 368
as a measure for the scale of
fluctuactions, 368
discussion, 374
for a fractal, 370
for a VL sample, 372
for a fractal, 370
for a ML sample, 371
standard value, 371
cosmic background radiation, 111
cosmic microwave background, 87,
discovery of, 220
measurements, current, 247
oscillator equation, 235
polarization of, 229
search for fluctuations, 222
temperature fluctuations, 223
unrecognized discoveries of, 221

cosmic variance, 63, 242, 245
4-velocity, 111, 112
Boltzmann equation, 225
constant, 18, 23, 110, 205, 240
CDM models, 205
fluid equations, 225
initial conditions, 236
linear perturbation theory, 224
model space, 239
models, 239
parameters, 239, 259
degeneracies, 242
symmetries, 127
units, 222
cosmological models
symmetries of, 124
isotropic, 127
locally rotationally symmetric,
127, 129, 130
self-similar, 136
covariant, 10
length, 23
of the spacetime, 109
scalar, 16

DAMA, 276, 278, 285
damping scale, 242, 253
dark matter (DM), 192–193, 240
baryonic, 193
cold (CDM), 55, 198–203
hot (HDM), 55, 194–198
mixed (MDM), 56
warm (WDM), 203–204
data compression, 65
de Sitter spacetime, 33
deflection angle, 382, 383
critical, 22, 240
parameter, 23
perturbation, 168
perturbation field, 58
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