(Axel Boer) #1

478 Index

numerical simulations, 421

observational variables, 139
anisotropic and inhomogeneous
Models, 142
Bianchi models, 142
Occam’s Razor, 252
occupation numbers, 166
orthogonal spatial derivative, 112
Ostriker–Vishniac effect, 247

pairwise velocity dispersion, 348
parameter curvature matrix, 246
particle horizon, 27, 141
perfect fluid, 114
adiabatic, 237
from inflation, 260
tests of, 254
isocurvature, 237
outside horizon, 260
primordial, 240
scale-invariant, 260
tests of, 255
phase planes, 131, 137
phonon-mediated detection, 271,
pixelization noise, 244
Planck density, 172
Planck satellite, 251
point-like lens, 382
polarization tensor, 232
power spectrum, 60, 357, 361
isotropic, 60
microwave background
variance, 245
microwave background
polarization, 234
microwave background
temperature, 228
scale invariant, 61
power spectrum

microwave background
estimator, 228
pre-heating, 173, 176
precision cosmology, 219, 248
prewhitening, 66
primary anisotropies, 89
primordial nucleosynthesis, 240,
principal components analysis, 65
prior probability distribution, 250
projected correlation function, 75
projection tensor, 112
proof of almost-FL Geometry, 143

quadrupole polarization source, 231
quantum fluctuations, 168
quenching factor, 271, 273
quintessence, 205–207, 240

Rparity, 198, 283
radiation-dominated, 87
Raychaudhuri equation, 116, 131
recombination, 87, 224
redshift, 22, 140, 314
photometric, 331–333
space distortions, 347
redshift–space correlation function,
REFLEX survey, 359
refraction index, 382
reheating, 36, 172
reionization, 241
tests of, 257
relativistic enthalpy, 15
resolution, 433
identities, 116
tensor, 16, 109
Riemann tensor, 16
Robertson, 108
rotation coefficients, 122
RW metric, 21

Sachs–Wolfe effect, 12, 223
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