(Axel Boer) #1
Index 479

integrated, 223, 242
sampling variance, 63
scalar field, 111
scale factor, 20
scaling test, 76
Schwarzschild radius, 383
seasonal modulation, 267, 269
secondary anisotropies, 89
see-saw mechanism, 196
selection effects, 140
selection function, 70
propagation equation, 118
tensor, 113
shear-free dust, 120
signal-to-noise eigenmodes, 67
Silk damping, 55, 227
singularity theorem, 117
slow-rolling approximation, 35
small universes, 141
Soldner, 379
sound horizon, 242, 253
source plane, 383
spatial topology, 131
spatially closed, 22
spatially homogeneous universes,
129, 130
spatially open, 22
specific intensity, 28
speed of light, 382
spherical Bessel functions, 70, 95
spherical harmonics, 69
stable clustering, 72
Standard Model (SM), 188–192
fermion masses, 191
gauge boson masses, 190
Higgs mechanism in, 189
star formation
history, 335
rate, 331, 334
Stokes parameters, 230
stress tensor, 110
string theory, 211
Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect, 247

super-Higgs effect, 216
superclusters, 345
superconformal symmetry, 212
supergravity, 211
superconformal, 213
superstring theory, 211
supersymmetry, 212
spontaneously broken, 216
surface brightness, 28, 317
clusters, 337, 339
galaxies, 322
selection methods, 322–324
strategies, 322
surveys, 345

temperature fluctuation
Doppler, 223
gravitational, 223
intrinsic, 223
tensor spherical harmonics, 233
tensor–scalar ratio, 240
components, 122
formalism, 121
tight coupling, 226
tilt, 41, 101
delay, 382
derivative, 112
lookback, 314
Tolman–Bondi models, 130
topology of the universe
tests of, 257
tracker field, 45
transfer function, 55
Turnround, 58

closed, 20
open, 21

virial theorem, 58
virialization, 58
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