A Short History of China and Southeast Asia

(Ann) #1
Vietnamese soil. The lesson China sought to teach Vietnam was that
Hanoi could never afford to disregard Chinese advice and warnings.
These went unheeded for just so long as Vietnam could rely on the
Soviet Union. But once that prop collapsed, there was nothing for it
but to mend fences with Beijing. As so often in the past, protection of
Vietnamese security required Vietnam to subscribe to China’s view of
how regional relations should be conducted. This in turn required
Vietnamese leaders to make their submission symbolically and defer-
entially in Beijing. The formula of ‘comrade plus brother’, used by
Beijing to characterise the restored relationship, made reference to
shared ideology, linking what was by then a diminished Chinese-led
‘Asian socialist community’^8 consisting of only four states: China,

A Short History of China and Southeast Asia

Chinese Prime Minister Li Peng greets Vietnamese foreign minister Nguyen Manh Cam,
11 September 1991. (Hsinhua News Agency)

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