Easton's Bible Dictionary

(Kiana) #1

could only have held a very humble position, and secured a very moderate

  • CARRIAGE In the Authorized Version this word is found as the
    rendering of many different words. In Judges 18:21 it means valuables,
    wealth, or booty. In Isaiah 46:1 (R.V., “the things that ye carried about”)
    the word means a load for a beast of burden. In 1 Samuel 17:22 and Isaiah
    10:28 it is the rendering of a word (“stuff” in 1 Samuel 10:22) meaning
    implements, equipments, baggage. The phrase in Acts 21:15, “We took up
    our carriages,” means properly, “We packed up our baggage,” as in the
    Revised Version.

  • CART a vehicle moving on wheels, and usually drawn by oxen (2 Samuel
    6:3). The Hebrew word thus rendered, ’agalah (1 Samuel 6:7, 8), is also
    rendered “wagon” (Genesis 45:19). It is used also to denote a war-chariot
    (Psalm 46:9). Carts were used for the removal of the ark and its sacred
    utensils (Numbers 7:3, 6). After retaining the ark amongst them for seven
    months, the Philistines sent it back to the Israelites. On this occasion they
    set it in a new cart, probably a rude construction, with solid wooden
    wheels like that still used in Western Asia, which was drawn by two milch
    cows, which conveyed it straight to Beth-shemesh.

A “cart rope,” for the purpose of fastening loads on carts, is used (Isaiah
5:18) as a symbol of the power of sinful pleasures or habits over him who
indulges them. (See CORD.) In Syria and Palestine wheel-carriages for any
other purpose than the conveyance of agricultural produce are almost

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