Quality Money Management : Process Engineering and Best Practices for Systematic Trading and Investment

(Michael S) #1

282 Endnotes

  1. Hall, Sarah. 2006. “ What counts? Exploring the production of quantitative financial narratives in
    London ’ s corporate finance industry. ” Journal of Economic Geography.

  2. Wiegers, Karl E. 2003. Software Requirements. 2nd edition. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press.

Chapter 8

  1. Brogan, John A. 1973. Clear Technical Writing. McGraw-Hill, p. xi.

  2. McCrehan Parker, Carol. 2006. “ Writing as tool for critical thinking. ” academic.udayton.edu/aep/

  3. Frankfurter, George M. 2004. “ The Theory of Fair Markets (TFM): toward a new finance para-
    digm. ” International Review of Financial Analysis. Elsevier. February, pp. 130 – 144.

  4. Brogan, John A. 1973. Clear Technical Writing. McGraw-Hill, p. xi.

  5. Iyasere, Marla Mudar. 1984. “ Beyond the mechanical: technical writing revisited. ” Journal of
    Advanced Composition.

  6. Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. 2003. The Craft of Research. 2nd
    edition. The University of Chicago Press.

  7. Ernst, Michael. 2005. http://pag.csail.mit.edu/mernst/advice/write-technical-paper.html

  8. Read, Nick, and Jonathan Batson. 1999. “ Spreadsheet modelling best practices. ” Business Dynamics.
    Published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales.

  9. Prescott, J.E., and P.T. Gibbons. 1993. “ Global competitive intelligence: an overview. ” In J.E. Prescott
    and P.T. Gibbons (eds.), Global Perspectives on Competitive Intelligence. Alexandria, VA: Society
    of Competitive Intelligence Professionals.

Chapter 9

  1. Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. 2003. The Craft of Research. 2nd
    edition. The University of Chicago Press.

  2. Camp, Robert C. 1989. Benchmarking: The Search for Industry Best Practices that Lead to Superior
    Performance. Milwaukee: ASQC Quality Press, p. 4, pp. 142–145.

  3. Camp, Robert C. 1989. Benchmarking: The Search for Industry Best Practices that Lead to Superior
    Performance. Milwaukee: ASQC Quality Press, p. 4, pp. 142–145.

  4. Frank, Mary Margaret, James M. Poterba, Douglas A. Shackelford, and John B. Shoven. 2004.
    “ Copycat funds: information disclosure, regulation and the returns to active management in the
    mutual fund industry. ” Journal of Law and Economics. vol. XLVII. October.

  5. Frank, Mary Margaret, James M. Poterba, Douglas A. Shackelford, and John B. Shoven. 2004.
    “ Copycat funds: information disclosure, regulation and the returns to active management in the
    mutual fund industry. ” Journal of Law and Economics. vol. XLVII. October. Citing: Gasparino,
    Charles. “ Vanguard ’ s cutback of fund data may mean it fears a market drop. ” Wall Street Journal.
    October 14, 1997.

  6. Aware. 2006. “ Competitor analysis—a brief guide. The basic principles of competitive intelligence. ”
    http://www.marketing-intelligence.co.uk/resources/competitor-analysis.htm. Middlesex, UK.

Chapter 10

  1. Sloane, Paul. 2003. “ The Leader ’ s Guide to Lateral thinking skills. ” Kogan Page

  2. Read, Nick, and Jonathan Batson. 1999. “ Spreadsheet modelling best practices. ” Business
    Dynamics. Published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales.

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