Quality Money Management : Process Engineering and Best Practices for Systematic Trading and Investment

(Michael S) #1

The Financial Market Technology Series

Series Editor

Benjamin Van Vliet

The Financial Market Technology Series is a partnership between Elsevier, Inc. and the
Institute for Market Technology (i4mt) to publish cutting-edge books covering topics concerning
the integration of technology with financial markets, including:

● automated trading,
● building trading and investment systems,
● operational issues in back office processing,
● clearing and settlement, and
● compliance and governance issues as they relate to technology.

The goal of the series is to promote increased understanding and competency with tech-
nology in the finance industry through publishing high-quality books on the latest areas of
research and practice for professionals working in the financial markets.
Series Editor: Ben Van Vliet is a Lecturer at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT),
where he also serves as the Associate Director of the M.S. Financial Markets program. At
IIT he teaches courses in quantitative finance, C   and .NET programming, and auto-
mated trading system design and development. He is vice chairman of the Institute for
Market Technology, where he chairs the advisory board for the Certified Trading System
Developer (CTSD) program. He also serves as series editor of the Financial Markets
Technology series for Elsevier/Academic Press and consults extensively in the financial
markets industry.
Mr. Van Vliet is also the author of “Modeling Financial Markets” with Robert Hendry
(2003, McGraw Hill) and “Building Automated Trading Systems” (2007, Academic Press).
Additionally, he has published several articles in the areas of finance and technology, and
presented his research at several academic and professional conferences.
We welcome proposals for books for the series. Please go to http://www.books.elsevier.com/
finance where you will find a link to send us your proposal.
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