Microsoft PowerPoint - aat_in_depth.pptx

(Tina Meador) #1


copyright J.Paul Getty Trust

Introduction to the AAT

revised May 2019 For educational purposes

Translation in target language need not mirror

scope note of master

AAT Scope Note exactly

so long as the correct meaning is conveyed

and it does not contradict the English scope note


Literal translation or

direct translation

Word-for-word translation of a text from the source

language to the target language. Successful when the basic

structure and syntax of the source language is the same as

the target language, result may be stiff, and may convey

idioms, grammar, and even meaning incorrectly in the target language text. However, if the scope note deals with a scientific or technical topic, some variation of literal translation may be appropriate.

Free translation

Translation that conveys the sense of

the source-language text in the target

language, emphasizing t

he content rather

than order of words or the phrasing. Free translation

is the recommended method of translating most scope notes; do

not distort the meaning of the original text.

Pragmatic translation

Translation that allows certain additions or explanations in or

der to convey the meaning efficiently to the readers of the

target language. Pragmatic translation may be used for scope

notes as necessary, particularly where the culture and

tradition of the target-language readers is differ

ent from that of the source-language readers.

Patricia Harpring © 2019 J. Paul Getty Trus

t. For educational purposes. Do not reproduce.
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