Microsoft PowerPoint - aat_in_depth.pptx

(Tina Meador) #1


copyright J.Paul Getty Trust

Introduction to the AAT

revised May 2019 For educational purposes

Revisions to the master AAT records are recorded in Revision History

Example of SNs

: How can translating projects know if changes are

minor (and thus require no action) or major? Knowing the difference saves hours of work by contributor.

Did a revision to the English SN re

sult in a change of meaning, or only

a small grammatical change?


Shrines that are small in size and intended for personal use. Included are

personal shrines for traditional ritual and

religious devotional purposes, dating from

ancient through modern times in many cultures. Also included are modern works made in the form of devotional shrine

s: examples are personal shrines made

according to New Age aesthetics and shrines designed as craft objects in themselves, made to display small trinkets or other objects without religious meaning. For large shrines, use "shrines (str

uctures)." For relatively small shrines

containing sacred relics, such as the relics of a saint, use "reliquaries."

© 2014

J. Paul Getty Trust, author: Patricia Harpring .For educational purposes only. Do not distribute.


Notifying contributors of changes

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