Microsoft PowerPoint - aat_in_depth.pptx

(Tina Meador) #1


copyright J.Paul Getty Trust

Introduction to the AAT

revised May 2019 For educational purposes

Subject ID

Unique numeric identification for the AAT record

Each concept in the AAT database is uniquely identified by a numeric ID that serves to link the terms and all other pertinent information to the concept record 

ID is unique and generally persistent (permanent)

Occasionally an ID may change

due to record being unmerged or

non-synonymous UFs removed (they then become Descriptors in a new record)

Then new IDs are included in the licensed files, and a mapping between defunct and new IDs is provided to licensees
Term ID:

Terms and other information also have unique,

persistent IDs

Unique, persistent numeric ids

Patricia Harpring © 2019 J. Paul Getty Trust. For educational purposes only. Do not distribute.
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