Microsoft PowerPoint - aat_in_depth.pptx

(Tina Meador) #1


copyright J.Paul Getty Trust

Introduction to the AAT

revised May 2019 For educational purposes

Unique, persistent numeric ids

Subject_ID: 300311452Record Type:



cinnabar (mineral) (mineral, inorganic material, ... Materials
(Hierarchy Name))Scope Note:

A soft, dense, red, native ore co

mposed of mercuric sulfide,

found in deposits in veins near volcanic rocks or hot springs around the world. [...]Terms:cinnabar (mineral) (preferred,C,U,English-P,D,U,N)


1000403760 cenobrium (mineral) (C,U,English,UF,U,N)

Term_ID: 1000403756

natural vermilion (mineral) (C,U,English,UF,U,N)

Term_ID: 1000403762

cinabre (mineral) (C,U,French-P,D,U,N)

Term_ID: 1000403757

cinabrio (mineral) (C,U,Spanish-P,D,U,N)

Term_ID: 1000403758

cinabro (minerale) (C,U,Italian-P,D,U,N)

Term_ID: 1000403760

cinábrio (mineral) (C,U,Portuguese-P,UF,U,N)

Term_ID: 1000403774

cinnaber (mineraal) (C,U,Dutch-P,D,U,U)

Term_ID: 1000539139

Zinnober (Mineral) (C,U,German-P,D,U,N)

Term_ID: 1000403760

Zinnoberersatz (Mineral) (C,U,German,UF,U,N)

Term_ID: 1000403771

tan-sha (C,U,Chinese (transliterated)-P,D,U,N)

Term_ID: 1000403776

shinsha (C,U,Japanese (transliterated)-P,D,U,N)

Term_ID: 1000403775

Hierarchical Position:Materials Facet

Subject_ID 300264091

.... Materials (Hierarchy Name) (G)

Subject_ID 300010357

........ materials (matter) (G)

Subject_ID 300010358

............ <materials by composition> (G)

Subject_ID 300212963

................ inor

ganic material (G)

Subject_ID 300010360

.................... mineral (G)

Subject_ID 300011068


cinnabar (mineral) (G)

Subject_ID 300311452

Related concepts:Code 2818

source for ....

cinnabar (pigment)



Patricia Harpring © 2019 J. Paul Getty Trust. For educational purposes only. Do not distribute.

Example of unique IDs for subject (i.e., record), terms / names, codes for controlled lists, etc.

  • Assigned by the master AAT system• Contributors need concern themselves with the IDs only when linking or mapping for a contribution or retrieval

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