EAT FOR HEALTH Australian Dietary Guidelines

(C. Jardin) #1

  1. Ness A, Maynard M, Frankel S, Davey Smith G, Frobisher C, leary S et al. Diet in childhood and adult
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  2. Streppel MT, Ocke MC, Boshuizen HC, Kok FJ, Kromhout D. long-term fish consumption and n-3
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  3. Bouzan C, Cohen JT, Connor WE, Kris-Etherton PM, Gray GM, Konig A et al. A quantitative analysis of
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  7. Huang T, Zandi P, Tucker K, Fitzpatrick A, Kuller l, Fried l et al. Benefits of fatty fish on dementia risk are
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  8. Kalmijn S, Van Boxtel M, Ocke M, Verschuren W, Kromhout D, launer l. Dietary intake of fatty acids and
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  9. Morris MC, Evans DA, Tangney CC, Bienias Jl, Wilson RS. Fish consumption and cognitive decline with
    age in a large community study. Arch Neurol 2005;62(12):1849–53.

  10. van Gelder BM, Tijhuis M, Kalmijn S, Kromhout D. Fish consumption, n-3 fatty acids, and subsequent 5-y
    cognitive decline in elderly men: the Zutphen Elderly Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2007;85(4):1142–7.

  11. Weih M, Wiltfang J, Kornhuber J. Non-pharmacologic prevention of Alzheimer’s disease: nutritional and
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  12. larrieu S, letenneur l, Helmer C, Dartigues J, Barberger-Gateau P. Nutritional factors and risk of incident
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  13. Maclean CH, Issa AM, Newberry SJ, Mojica WA, Morton SC, Garland RH et al. Effects of omega-3 fatty
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  14. Schiepers OJ, de Groot RH, Jolles J, van Boxtel MP. Plasma phospholipid fatty acid status and depressive
    symptoms: association only present in the clinical range. J Affect Disord 2009;118(1-3):209–14.

  15. Sontrop J, Campbell MK. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and depression: a review of the evidence
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  16. Sanchez-Villegas A, Henriquez P, Figueiras A, Ortuno F, lahortiga F, Martinez-Gonzalez MA et al. long chain
    omega-3 fatty acids intake, fish consumption and mental disorders in the SuN cohort study. Eur J Nutrition

  17. Colangelo lA, He K, Whooley MA, Daviglus Ml, liu K. Higher dietary intake of long-chain omega-3
    polyunsaturated fatty acids is inversely associated with depressive symptoms in women. Nutrition

  18. Kyrozis A, Psaltopoulou T, Stathopoulos P, Trichopoulos D, Vassilopoulos D, Trichopoulou A. Dietary
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  19. Chong EW, Kreis AJ, Wong TY, Simpson JA, Guymer RH. Dietary omega-3 fatty acid and fish intake in
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  20. Djousse l, Gaziano JM, Buring JE, lee IM. Egg consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes in men and
    women. Diabetes Care 2009;32(2):295–300.

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