Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology

(Nora) #1

Nov.6] PROCEEDINGS. [1894.


By P. le Page Renouf.


Chapterwherebyone Saileth a Ship in the ATetherworld.

Oh thou who sailestthe ship of Nu over thatchine whichis
void,(1) let me sail the ship; let me fasten my tackle (2) in peace;
in peace! Come, come; Fleet one,Fleetone! Let me come to
see my father Osiris.
Oh thou whoart veiled, let me enjoy happiness.
Oh thou whoart clouded, but manful, and who sailestround
overthat chineof Apepi ; thou of firm head and steadfast breast
when comingforth from the fiery blows: Oh thou who art at the
ship,let me sail the ship, let me fasten my tackle andcomeforth.
Thisplace is empty, intowhichthe starry onesfall down head
long upon their faces,(3) and find notaught whereby theycan
Narrowis the path as the tongue of Ra. (4)
[ The Patrol who goeth round,and who piloteth the Double Earth;
Seb abideth stably by means of their rudders: the divine Form
whichrevealeththe Solar Orb : and He who presidethoverthe Red
Let me be brought in as a distressed mariner,andlet my Soul
cometo me, which is my brother, andgo to that placewhichthou
k no west.
"Letme be told my name" say,

  1. The Mooring post. " Lordof the Double-Earth in the Shrine "
    is thy name.

  2. The Blade of the Rudder. " Leg of Apis" is thy name.

  3. The Hawser. " The Side-LockwhichAnubisfastens on to
    the swathing work" is thy name.

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