How to Write Better Essays

(Marcin) #1

N. Author, Title of Book(place of publication: publisher, and date).
N. Author, ‘Title of Chapter ’, in Title of Book, ed. X. Editor and Y.
Editor (place of publication: publisher, and date), pp. ••–••.
N. Author, ‘Title of Article’, Title of Periodical, vol. 2, no. 1 (date),
pp. ••–••.

Of course, if you are compiling a reference list and you’re using end-
notes, you will also have to include the page reference to locate the
passage or quotation you have used.

248 Writing

Practice exercise 21
Compiling a reference list

Arrange the following list of sources into a reference list, using the
method of citation we have just outlined.
Once you’ve completed it, compare your list with the answer given

List of sources

1 Author: R. E. Robinson and J. Gallagher
Title: Africa and the Victorians: The Official Mind of British
Publisher: Macmillan
Date and place of publication: 1962, London

2 Author: Peter Singer, ed.
Title: Ethics
Publisher: OUP
Date and place of publication: 1994, Oxford

3 Author: Charles Darwin
Title: The Origin of Species
Publisher: John Murray
Date and place of publication: 1859, London

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