How to Write Better Essays

(Marcin) #1
11 Have I answered this particular question relevantly?
12 Have I dealt with all the implications of the question that I
identified in the interpretation stage?
13 Have I covered these in enough depth?
14 Have I spent too much time on less significant issues, while only
dealing superficially with any of the major issues?
15 Have I presented a convincing case which I could justify confi-
dently in a discussion?
16 In the conclusion, have I avoided introducing new ideas that
haven’t been dealt with in the body of the essay?
17 Have I tied my conclusion in with my introduction?

266 Revision

Assignment 13
Revision – the structure

Now revise your essay carefully again. This time go through each of the
stages outlined here.
Start with the introduction, checking all those things we’ve talked
about. Once you’ve done this, tick off the items on the checklist. Then
move on to the logical structure, checking the logical sequencing of the
arguments, the topic sentences and the transitions. Tick them off on the
checklist and then move on to consider the arguments, evidence and
conclusion, ticking these off on the checklist too.

In the next chapter

With this done you should feel more confident that all your ideas,
what’s on the inside, are now clearly and logically developed in your
essay. You can now turn to the outside, the language and style through
which you’ve expressed these ideas.

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