Environment and aquaculture in developing countries

(Ann) #1

enacting legislation supporting or even
dealing with aquaculture development,
which, instead, is often being constrained
by regulations on land tenure, water use
and public health, Additional legislative
measures for prevention and control of
aquatic pollution will have to be consid-
ered by aquaculturists, also for their own
interests. Constructive and adaptive
aquaculture-related regulations need to
be implemented in order to avoid obstacles
in socioeconomic growth in rural commu-
nities and to ensure that resources in the
aquatic environment are properly mnn-
aged and protected.
The potential of intensive freshwater
aquaculture to degrade the natural envi-
ronment is considerable, particularly in
view of current trends of intensification
and rapid expansion of the industry. In
this respect, environmental management
options will include improvements in
farming performance (especially related
to feeds and feeding, stocking densities
and water quality management, disease
prevention and chemical usage) and in the
selection of sites and species, installation
ofefluent treatment facilities and, where
required, strict enforcement of environ-
mental regulations specific to intensive
freshwater aquaculture.


The authors would like to sincerely
thank Dr. M. Beveridge (Institute of
Aquaculture, Stirling), Dr. R.S.V. Pullin
(ICLARM), Dr. T. Petr and Dr. H. Naeve
(FAO) for their support through fruitful
conceptual discussions, technical com-
ments and editorial amendments.


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