The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

88 Is The Bible God s Word?

dom H alls.” Naturally, they are the fittest missionaries among
the thousand-and-one sects and denominations of Christendom.
They are taught that when cornered, do not commit yourself to

anything, do not open your mouths. Wait for the Holy Ghost to
inspire you with what to say.

1 silently kept watching him, while he browsed the page.
Suddenly he looked up. He had found it. The “Holy Ghost” had
tickled him. He began, “The article says that “ most of those
errors have been eliminated.” 1 asked “If MOST are elimi­
nated, how many remain out of the 50 000? — 5 000? 500?
50? Even if 50 remain, do you attribute those errors to God?" He
was speechless. He excused himself by suggesting that he will
come again with some senior member of his Church. That will be
the day!

If 1 had this booklet ready, 1 would have offered him, saying —“1
would like to do you a favour, give me your name and address,
and your telephone number.1 I will lend you this booklet — “ IS
THE BIBLE GOD’S W ORD?” for 90 days. I want a written
reply!” If you do this, and a few other Muslims do the same,
they and the other missionaries will never darken your doors
again. 1 believe that this publication will prove the most
effective talisman to date. Insha-Allah!

This "cult” of Jehovah’s Witnesses which is so strong in its
condemnation of the orthodox Trinitarians, for playing with the
“Word of God,” is itself playing the same game of semantic
gymnastics. In the article under review — “ 50 000 ERRORS IN
THE BIBLE?” — they say: “there are probably 50 000 errors

... errors that have crept into the Bible text... 50 000 such
serious (?) errors... most of those so-called errors ... as a
whole the Bible is accurate.” (?)

  1. When any Bible-peddler knocks on your door, make a point of asking his name, address
    and telephone number. Write it down. If he or she does not co-operate, show them the
    door. Follow them up in their own homes. You owe it to them!

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