The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

(^94) Is The Bible God’s Word?
Ancient Copies" fully, dating three and four centuries after Christ.
We agree that the closer to the source the more authentic is the
document. Naturally “ MOST” Ancient deserves credence more
than mere “ ANCIENT.” But not finding a word about )esus
being “ taken up” or “ carried up” into heaven in the MOST
ANCIENT manuscripts, the Christian fathers expurgated those
references from the RSV 1952.
The above facts are a staggering confession by Christendom that
the “ inspired” authors of the Canonical Gospels did not record
a single word about the ASCENSION of Jesus. Yet these
“ inspired” authors were unanimous in recording that their Lord
and Saviour rode a donkey into Jerusalem as his mission drew to
a close.

.. and th sat him
thereon.” (The Donkey)
(Matt. 21:7)
.. and he sat upon him.
(The Donkey) (Mark 11:7)

“... and they set Jesus
thereon." (The Donkey)
(Luke. 19:35)

“... Jesus... sat thereon:’’
(The Donkey) (John 12:14)

Could God Almighty have been the author of this incongruous
situation — going out of His Way to see that all the Gospel
writers did not miss their recording of His “son’s” donkey-ride
into the Holy City — and yet “ inspiring” them to black out the
news about His "son’s” heavenly flight on the wings of angels?


The hot-gospellers and the Bible-thumpers were too slow in
catching the joke. By the time they realised that the corner-stone
of their preaching — THE ASCENSION OF JESUS - had been

undermined as a result of Christian Biblical erudition, the
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