The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Fifty Thousand Errors (?) 97


The Rev. C.I. Scofield, D.D. with a team of 8 Consulting Editors,

also all D.D.’s, in the “ Scofield Reference Bible,” thought it
appropriate to spell the Hebrew word “ Elah” (meaning God)
alternatively as “ Alah.” The Christians had thus swallowed the
camel — they seemed to have accepted at last that the name of
God is Allah — but were still straining at the gnat by spelling

Allah with one “L”! (Photographic reproduction of the Bible page
showing the word “ A L A H ” is preserved here for posterity on
page 98). References were made in public lectures to this fact by
the author of this booklet. Believe me, the subsequent “ Scofield
Reference Bible" has retained word for word the whole
commentary of Genesis 1:1, but has, by a clever sleight-of-hand,
blotted out the word “ Alah” altogether. There is not even a gap
where the word “ Alah” once used to be. This is, in the Bible of
the orthodox! One is hard pressed to keep up with their jugglery.

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