The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
The Acid Tesi 113


T h e N u m b e r in g

and Satan sto o d up against
J \ Israel, and p r o v o k e d Da-
vid to num ber Israel.

Apart from showing allegiance to God as is noted elsewhere, the
Devil (Satan) is also given his due. This dichotomy on the part of
the author of Chronicles reminds one of the story of the old
woman who lit one candle to St. Michael and another to the
devil, so that whether she went to Heaven or Hell, she would
have a friend. This Chronicles fellow, made sure that he had a
friend at court Above, as well as a friend at court Below. He
wanted to have it both ways, or wanted to have his cake and eat
it too.

You will observe that the authors of the books of “ Chronicles”
and of “ Samuel” are telling us the same story about David
taking a census of the Jews. Where did David get his “inspi­
ration" to do this novel deed? The author of 2 Samuel 24:1 says
that it was the "LORD” God who MOVED (RSV: “incited") David,
but the author of 1 Chronicles 21:1 says that it was “ SA T A N ”
who PROVOKED (RSV: “incited”) David to do such a dastardly
thing! How could the Almighty God have been the source of these
contradictory “ INSPIRATIONS?” Is it God or is it Satan? In
which religion is the DEVIL synonymous with GOD? I am not
talking about "Satanism,” a recent fimgus growth of Christianity,
in which ex-Christians worship the Devil. Christianity, has been
most prolific in spawning isms: Atheism, Communism, Fascism,
Totalitarianism, Nazism, Mormonism, Moonism, Christian Scientism
and now Satanism. What else will Christianity give birth to?

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