The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Establishing God's Kingdom 15 5

century. There were at least 14 men at the table (count them if
you wish) and not the unlucky thirteen of Western superstition.1


Jesus (pbuh) made his triumphant regal entry into Jerusalem at

the head of an excited and enthusiastic following, with high
hopes of establishing the “ Kingdom of God” any minute; riding
a donkey to fulfill a prophecy (Zechariah 9:9) —

Tell ye the daughter o f Zion,
behold, thy KING com eth____
sitting upon an ass ....
And a great multitude
spread their garments...
and branches in the way...
and the multitude cried, saying,
“Hosanna to the SON OF DAVID...
Hosanna in the highest...”

Let Luke the beloved physician, add his strokes to clarify the

“... because he was near to Jerusalem,
and because they thought
that the kingdom o f God
should IMMEDIATELY appear" —
(HOLY BIBLE) Luke 19:11


“But those enemies,
who would not that
I should REIGN over them,

  1. A country as advanced as South Africa, like an adjunct of the U.5.A.. has no Row 13 on
    any of its aeroplanes!!

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