The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
166 Crucifixion or Cruci-ficfion?

“heathen" as they call them. Over 40% of these cultists

are “ born-again” Americans!1

Strange as it may sound, after every outpouring of prayer, Jesus
Christ found his disciples lulled to sleep at their post. Again and

again he bewailed:


" What could ye not watch
with me for one hour?"
(HOLY BIBLE) Matthew 26:40

“And again he (Jesus) went awayf
and prayed,
and spoke the same words.
And when he returned,
he found them asleep again ...”
(HOLY BIBLE) Mark 14:39-40

Poor St. Mark bemoans that the disciples could give no excuse

for their lassitude, their sleepiness. He records:

“neither knew they
what to answer him,"
(HOLY BIBLE) Mark 14:40

However, the most lucid, the most coherent and systematic

of all Gospel writers, St. Luke, hazards a guess for this sleepy

state of his disciples.

  1. “Bom Again:” The latest cult among the Christians. Billy Graham claims that there arc
    70 million such cultists in America. Immaculate people, veritable angels! Yet in that
    nation over a quarter million “gays" gathered in San Francisco last |une on a pilgrimage,
    led by 50 lesbians on motorbikes. In New York, there are only one million more women
    than men and of the "men" it is said that one third are sodomites! Overall there are 10
    million “problem drinkers” (meaning DRUNKARDS), in the U.S.A. If all this is true
    with 70 million veritable angels (“Bom-Again”) in their midst, then it gives a lie to
    Paul’s: ”... a little leaven leaveneth the whole ...” — (1 Cor 56) Here in the
    Christian West not even one third yeast can ferment the loaf. Strange!

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