The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Trials of )esus^181


In the case under discussion, Pilate finds ]esus NOT GUILTY!
His implacable enemies blackmail Pilate, saying :

.. I f thou let this man go,
thou art not Caesar’s friend;
whosoever maketh himself a king
speaketh against Caesar.”
(HOLY BIBLE) John 19:12

While the trial was under way, Pilate’s wife sends him a

“ Have thou nothing to do
with that just man (Jesus);
for I have suffered many things this day
in a dream because o f him.”
(HOLY BIBLE) Matthew 27:19

As reluctant as Pilate was to condemn an innocent and harmless
subject, and despite the pleadings of his dear wife based on
supernatural visions, he could not prevail against the Jewish
“lobby!” He was forced to give in to the Jewish clamour of:

“ Crucify him, crucify him!”
‘‘Pilate took water, and washed
his hands before the multitude,
saying, l am innocent
o f the blood o f this righteous man.
(HOLY BIBLE) Matthew 27:24

You (Jews) are culpable for this unjust crime. And he handed

Jesus over to be cmcified.

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