The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

16 People of fhe Boob

In this way both o f Lot’s daughters
became PREGNANT by their father.”
(HOLY BIBLE) Genesis 19:33-35
(From the “ Good News Bible in Today's English")
As a result of this illicit, incestuous relationship both of the
daughters of Lot deliver a son each who became famous in the
Bible as the progenitors of the Ammonites and the Moabites,
specially guarded and protected communities in the “Book of
God." The Jews were to exterminate the Palestinians, “ nothing
that breathes” was to be spared, but for Lot's children of
bastardy1 God had a special soft spot —
That the Lord spoke to me, (Moses),
“ This day you (the Israelites) are
to cross over at Ar, the boundary
o f Moab (the Moabites).
And when you come near the people
o f Ammon (the Ammonites), do not
HARASS them or MEDDLE with them,
for i will not give you any o f
the land o f the people o f Ammon
as a possession, because I have
given it to the descendants o f
Lot for a possession.
(HOLY BIBLE) Deuteronomy 2:19

The Ammonites and the Moabites were not one whit better than
their polytheistic Palestinian cousins, their only redeeming grace
in the sight of the Biblical God was that they were the “seed" of
Lot, an incestuous breed! Ask your Bible thumper, "What is the
moral, the lesson to be learnt from this shameless lewd story?" If
there is no moral — and there is none — then why did God not

  1. Notwithstanding God's own Commandment to Moses - “A bastard shall not enter
    into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter
    into the congregation of the Lord” (Deuteronomy 23:2i

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