The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
The Bible: An Anthology on Incest 1 7

reproach Lot or strike him with syphilis, gonorrhoea or Aids? But
instead, his offsprings were a blessed race in God’s sight. How
immorally moral, or morally immoral can you get?


Dr. Vernon Jones, an American psychologist of great repute,
carried out experiments on groups of schoolchildren of equal age
and educational status. Certain stories with particular bias were
told to the children. His conclusions were that these stories
made, “ Certain slight but permanent changes in the cha
racter of these children, even in the narrow classroom
situ atio n .” Little wonder that the mighty evangelist Jimmy
Swaggart,1 in his book on “INCEST” bewails that incest between
fathers and their daughters have reached endemic proportions in
the mighty United States of America. There is a law at work:
physically you are what you eat and morally and mentally you
are what you read!

Before proceeding further, open your Bible at Genesis chapter 19
at verses 30-36, and frame these verses as you see on pages
14/15 of this book, and write across the top on two pages, in
big, bold handwriting: “ INCEST BETWEEN FATHER AND
DAUGHTERS” and underline it. At the bottom of these very
two pages write in equally bold types the next reference on the

Find the next reference in your own Bible — Genesis 35:32, and
fill in the page number (as you see done) at the bottom of pages
15 and 16 of this book. Please note that page numbers will vary
in the different Bibles, so ascertain before numbering in your

Having opened Genesis 35, frame verse 22 as you see on pages
18 and 19, and write as a heading across the two pages in bold:
“ IN CEST BETW EEN SON AN D M O T H ER ,” and underline

  1. Jimmy Swaggart himself subsequently succumbed to sordid and evil temptations of the flesh.

  2. Supply the number of the page from your own Bible.

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