The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

(^20) People of fhe Boob
it. At the bottom of the said pages, write: “ INCEST BETWEEN
Genesis 38 verses 15-18 and repeat the exercise of supplying
the page number and framing the verses as you had done in the
previous two examples. And get back to your “ Combat Kit”
pages 13 and 14, and complete the exercise of marking your
Bible to confront every “Christian Crusader" who knocks on your
door. The better your preparation the swifter will be the flight of
the Bible-peddler.
Glance once more at the previous two pages (18 and 19), and
their heading: “ Incest between Son and his Mother.”
Read verse 22 there. Both the reproductions are from the most
renowned King ]ames Version (s). The larger types are from the
K]V in its "Fifth major Revision.” After revising the Book five
times over, the Christians still call it the King James Version (!).
Compare the two reproductions of this one verse 22. They begin
— “ And it came to pass,” and "And so it happened.” The
Christians have not yet freed themselves from the “ once upon a
time” syndrome. See The Choice,1 Volume 1, pages 189/191
for this perennial sickness.
Both the quotations speak of - “ Reuben went and LAY with
Bilhah.” The Roman Catholic's “ Douay Version,” differs in its
choice of words. It says, “ Reuben went, and SLEPT with
B ala,” (they meant Bilhah). Now these variant readings do not
tell us how old Reuben was. No one would raise eyebrows if a
five-year old or ten-year old kid sleeps with his mother or his
stepmother, to keep himself warm. “ The New Century Ver­
sion,” in its INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S BIBLE, published by
“ WORD BIBLES” of Word (UK) Ltd., Milton Keynes, England,
does not want Christian children to fumble over the meaning of
“ la y” or “ slept”. They even got their Bible-thumpers out of
their misery of explaining away simple words lending themselves
to dubious interpretations. Their rendering is - “ Reuben had
sexual RELATIONS with Israel’s slave woman B ilhah.”
I. Obtainable from I.P.C.I.

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