The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
The Bible: An Anthology on Incest 21

Could they have spelt it out in any simpler form for the
"bom agains” who will never grow up?

Of the twelve sons of Jacob, Reuben was the “first bom” the eldest
son, who in the prime of his life, raped his mother! Call her “ slave
woman” or “ concubine” , she was his father’s wife, (And your
father's wife is ONES MOTHER by any definition.!
“ W ife,” and “ concubine” are synonymous terms in the Bible.
Check it out in your own Bible at home:-

(a) Abraham again took a WIFE,
and her name was Keturah.
(HOLY BIBLE) Genesis 25:1
Genesis is reputed to be the first book of Moses (pbuh). God
Almighty Himself is supposed to have dictated the five books of
the Jewish Torah, now accepted by all Christians as God’s Word. In
the first of these five books, God Almighty spells it out for Moses
(pbuh) that the third “ wife” of His Friend, Abraham (pbuh) was
Keturah, the previous two being Sarah and Hagar. If the Lord God
of Moses (pbuh) Himself acknowledges Keturah as Abraham’s
W -I-F-E, then who can have the audacity to contradict Him and
denigrate Keturah? But some “ unknown” 1 anonymous writer, of
the 1st Book of Chronicles, chapter one, verse thirty two, had the
nerve to change God’s Word dictated to Moses (pbuh) from
“ W IFE” to “ CONCUBINE,” unless they mean the same thing.
Otherwise, the Bible-thumper will have to acknowledge that there
is yet another contradiction in his Bible. Look in the index of your
“ Combat Kit” for “ CONTRADICTIONS IN THE BIBLE,” and
add this item also to your list.
Reverting to the subject marked at the bottom on pages 18 and 19,
IN-LAW ” : after having completed the exercise as instructed on
page 17 — that of framing verses 15-18 of Genesis chapter 38 —
this chapter “ thirty-eight” is very effective also in proving that
the Bible is NOT the Word of God -

  1. “UNKNOWN:” Is the verdict on the Book of Chronicles by 32 Christian Scholars of the
    highest eminence backed by fifty co-operating denominations.

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