The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

(^28) People of lhe Boob
Perez stands for one who has jumped the queue, one who has
done others out of their turn, and Zerah means “red" in
Hebrew because he had the scarlet thread on his hand.
The recurring question is, What is the moral of this Biblical
sexology in this famous chapter thirty-eight of the first book
of the Bible?
God killed Er: the lesson we learnt was “ Reproof!”
God killed Onam the lesson again was “ Reproof!”
Now Judah commits incest with Tamar and begets
bastard twins who are honoured to become the great
grandfathers of the only “begotten son of God!”
What is the moral? No moral, so it is immoral!
Under what heading will you now put this filthy lewd story of a
daughter-in-law entrapping her not too innocent father-in-law?
IS it:
No. 1. Your DOCTRINE?

  1. Your REPROOF?

  2. Your CORRECTION or
    (HOLY BIBLE) 2 Timothy 16-17

If we cannot tabulate this filth under any of the four headings to
serve some purpose in a Book of God, then we would be forced
to invent a FIFTH heading. The fifth heading stares us in the
face: it is PORNOGRAPHY!

Judah, the father of the Jewish race, from whom we derive the
words — Jew, Judaism, Judea etc and his daughter-in-law Tamar,
and their illicit offsprings - Perez and Zerah are immortalized
in the so-called Book of God for their bastardy:

The book o f the genealogy o f
Jesus Christ, the son o f David,
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