The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

30 People of the Booh

Joseph, thou son o f David, fear not
to take unto thee Mary, thy wife;
for that which is conceived
in her is B Y THE HOLY GHOST
(HOLY BIBLE) Matthew 1.18-20

Matthew, within three verses, confirms TWICE that it was THE
HOLY GHOST who impregnated Mary. By definition we know
that in every language of the world the one who is responsible
for impregnating a woman, is the actual father and not the
putative (supposed) father. Hence, according to the unequivocal
statement of Matthew, the Holy Ghost is the ACTUAL father of
Jesus (pbuh) and not God Almighty. The Christian world should
review their theology by calling their god, Jesus the Son of the
Holy Ghost and NOT the Son of God!

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