The Choice: Islam and Christianity

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

(^46) Combaf Kit
consisting of sixty-six names, there is only one name which
is common to both and that is of [oseph the carpenter, and
he should never have been mentioned since he was never
responsible for the conception of Jesus (pbuh).

  1. GOD: Qualities ill-befitting God —
    (a) A “hissing” God (?)
    (b) A “roaring” God (?)
    (c) A “barber” God (?)
    (d) A “penitent" God (?)
    (e) A God “riding" a cherub (?)
    (f) A God who murders 50,070 for looking into a box (?)'
    1 SAMUEL 6:19

Isaiah 5:26, 7:18, Zecharia 10:8
Isaiah 42:13, Jeremiah 25:30
Isaiah 7:20
Jeremiah 15:6, Genesis 6:6
2 Samuel 22:11

  1. GOD WITH A SMALL “g “ : In Arabic, Hebrew and
    Greek there is no differentiation between a capital “G” for
    God, and a small “g” for god, as in the languages of the
    Western countries today; yet the Christians have played fast
    and loose when translating the Bible, i.e.


  1. GOD: His contradictory attributes —
    (a) "No man hath seen God at any time” john us
    (b) “God” whom no man bath seen, nor can s e e ..."
    1 Tim othy 6:16

“Jn whom the god (the Devil) of this world
hath blinded the minds of them which believe

“And the Lord said unto Moses, See, 1 have
made thee a god to Pharaoh, and Aaron thy

2 Cor. 4:4

brother shall be thy prophet. ” Exodus 7:1

Compare the above with JOHN 1:1, where the Chris­
tians have used capital “Gms and “W’”s when refer­
ring to Jesus.

  1. The Newer Versions of the Bible have shamelessly reduced the number to “seventy” only!

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