Essays in Anarchism and Religion

(Frankie) #1

Why Anarchists Like Zen? A Libertarian Reading of Shinran (1173–1263)^123

Snyder, Gary “Revolution in the Revolution in the Revolution”, in
Regarding Wave (New York: New Directions Books, 1970), p. 39.

Sokunyo Ohtani Koshin. “Immesurable Light and Life -2008 New
Year’s Message from the Monshu” in Manitoba Buddhist Temple.
( 1cbf020d5e6

Suzuki, Daisetz, Zen and Japanese Culture (Princenton: Princenton
University Press, 1993).

Takagi Kemmyo, “My Socialism”, in Living in Amida’s Universal
Vo w, ed. Alfred Bloom (Bloomington, Indiana: World Wisdom,
2004), pp.189–196.

Tanaka Kenneth and Richar Payne, eds., Approaching the Land
of Bliss. Religious Praxis of Amitabha (Honolulu: University of
Hawai’i Press, 2004.

Tannisaro Bikku, trans., Kalama Sutta: To the Kalamas 1994 (http://

Thornley, Kerry. “Zenarchy” [1991]. The Anarchist Library.
December 19th 2009. (

Tokunaga, Michio, “Buddha’s Law and King’s Law: The Bifurcation
of Shinran’s Teaching”, in Shin Buddhism: Monograph Series (Los
Angeles: Pure Land Publications, 1993), pp. 145–156.

Tsang, Carol Richmond, War and Faith. Ikko Ikki in Late Muromachi
Japan. (London: Harvard University Press, 2007).

Victoria, Brian Daizen, Zen at War. (Oxford: Rowman and Littleman
Publishers, 2006).

Warner, Brad, Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies &
The Truth About Reality (Somerville, Massachusetts: Wisdom
Publications, 2003).

Watts, Alan, Buddhism the Religion of No-Religion (Boston: Tuttle
Publishing, 1999)

Young Lee, Kenneth Doo. The Prince and the Monk. Shotoku
Worship in Shinran’s Buddhism. (Albany: State University of New
York Press, 2007)

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