Essays in Anarchism and Religion

(Frankie) #1

Why Anarchists Like Zen? A Libertarian

Reading of Shinran (1173–1263)

Enrique Galván-Álvarez

Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), Spain

Most attempts to formulate a Buddhist anarchism in the West take
Zen Buddhism as their reference point, often disregarding other
Buddhist traditions and their anarchic/libertarian potential. In re-
sponse to these early Western formulations I propose an alternative
pathway for Buddhist anarchism based on a radically different
Buddhist tradition, that of Shinran Shonin (1173–1263). Shinran’s
thought can arguably contribute to contemporary Buddhist anar-
chism some of the elements that it seems to be lacking: a self-critique
that is not devoid of social criticism, a deconstruction of Buddhist
power and an historical awareness. For this purpose, I will first
outline some of the anti-authoritarian traits in Shinran’s writings,
which have so far not been read from an explicitly anarchist angle.
Then I will look closely at Shinran’s critical view of humanity and
human relations through his concept of mappo, drawing out the
egalitarian and subversive implications of Buddhist eschatology. In
so doing I show how Shinran’s radical re-reading of the Buddhist
canon, and the self-understanding it yields, bring into question
some important narratives that legitimize and construct the estab-
lished, politico-religious order.

1. Why Anarchists Like Zen –Introduction.

Most attempts to formulate a Buddhist anarchism in the West
take Zen Buddhism as their reference point, often disregarding
other Buddhist traditions and their anarchic/libertarian potential.
This is partly to do with the way in which Zen has been presented

How to cite this book chapter:
Galván-Álvarez, E. 2017. Why Anarchists Like Zen? A Libertarian Reading
of Shinran (1173–1263). In: Christoyannopoulos, A. and Adams, M.  S.
(eds.) Essays in Anarchism and Religion: Volume 1. Pp. 78–123. Stockholm:
Stockholm University Press. DOI: License:

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