Blueprint Reading

(Joyce) #1

Construction Business Environment 299

match, take a look at your options for upgrading and customizing it. Not everyone needs a customized
website; if you’re looking for standard functions and presentation, you’ll find plenty of attractive options
on the Internet. After installing the templates using your favorite website builder, you can immediately
publish to the web. Figure 12.3 shows an example of a template design that has been modified and that
you can find on the Internet. These websites offer free web templates as well as design services. The
button links may be on the top or on the left side of the page. Both easily take you to where you want to
go (e.g., to the mission statement, jobs in progress, services offered, etc.). It is largely a matter of pref-
erence as to how the page is composed and designed. However, for a professional-looking website it is
strongly recommended to use a professional for its design.
Who do you want to visit your site? This depends very much on the answers that you have already
come up with. Existing customers and clients, potential customers, people interested in your subject
area who may never have heard of you, organizations, individuals, groups, and so on. If you are a build-
ing firm, your groups might look a little like this:

Figure 12.3 Example of a sample home-page template, which can be freely downloaded from the Internet
from sites such as This template has been
modified to suit a contracting business (based on a http://www.freewebsitetemplates.comtemplate)..)

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