Without Disclosing My True Identity
From Allegory to Real Truth
To help the Bible-believer understand the necessity for the Book of Mormon, we need
to relate it to the stories in the Bible that are believed as truth. The Bible begins with the
story of Adam and Eve as the way mortal humans were created upon this earth. According
to the story, “God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he
had formed.”^89 The story also presents two trees planted “in the midst of the garden...the
tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.”^90
The story goes on to explain that Adam and Eve weren’t like the gods, because their
“eyes [were not] opened” and they did not “[know] good and evil.”^91 Eve wanted to become
like the gods and become wise, so she decided to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good
and evil.^92 The story is completely allegoric; but its concepts are loosely based on real truth.^93
However, it was the closest representation of true reality ever published in the written word
of ancient days. And now for the real truth:
(NOTE: Although the following concept of real truth has already been explained, it
is of such importance to understanding the role and purpose of Joseph Smith, Jr., that we
will continually revisit it, sometimes redundantly, throughout his biography.)
The real truth is simple—advanced human beings rule the Universe!^94
The most intellectually and technologically evolved humans that exist in the
Universe are those whom we would refer to as “gods.” Being human, they have the same
desires and passions for happiness that we do, with similar bodies (though refined and
perfected) that offer them the same joy from interacting with their environs. Compared to
our current world, their advanced worlds are perfect worlds, where their advanced intellect
and knowledge is used to help them experience the ultimate happiness possible. In their
advanced worlds they create other human beings. These newly created beings only
experience what their environment allows them to experience.^95 Their environment is the
ultimate human experience; therefore, they can only experience what surrounds them in
their environment—and, being born into an advanced human world, their experiences will
only be the best that a human being can experience.^96
These newly created humans do not have the capacity to understand how truly
wonderful their existence is because their human faculties and programming are not
sufficiently developed to appreciate or even fully comprehend their perfect existence.^97
They do not know “good and evil” because they have only experienced the “good” in
their creator’s world that has no “evil.” They are not “wise” (as Lucifer implored Adam
and Eve to be with “forbidden fruit”^98 ) compared to the “gods” who created them, and
with whom they associate on a daily basis. Furthermore, if the “gods” kept creating
children on their planet, they would eventually have to stop, because there would be no
more room for new humans to exist and foundationalize.
The “Garden” and the “Serpent” (Lucifer) Explained
This advanced human world is symbolically represented as the “garden of Eden.” The
“trees” planted there represent the way that a human being acquires experience by “eating of