Joseph Smith Biography

(Grace) #1



Nothing is more important than our free will, which allows each to be who we want to be and to attain the
greatest state of happiness consistent with our choices. And yet, as all true messenger’s do, Joseph agreed to
have his free will subjected to the will of advanced human beings to ensure that he could perform his role in his
various incarnations. These included past lives associated with characters mentioned in the Book of Mormon as
Nephi (the son of Lehi), Alma (the elder), Ether (the Jaredite prophet), Mormon, and other scriptural notables.
Joseph’s humble upbringing and his past mortal lives helped him to accomplish his final mortal mission.

In 1814, men of the world who were not using their free will to fight with each other,
were using their imagination and free will to do such things as build the first steam
locomotive and perform the first plastic surgery. Napoleon was defeated in Europe and war
continued to rage on the American Eastern seaboard against the British, who captured and
burned Washington, D.C. Fortunately, to aid in the preparation for a political environment
consistent with the freedom and rights he would need to fulfill his role, this year ended with
a treaty signed between the Americans and British the day after Joseph’s ninth birthday.^1
At the same time, an obscure young American boy, of his own free will, was preparing
to become one of the most important true messengers of this earth’s history in a nation (the
United States) prepared as the final backdrop for the work he would do. But wherein is free
will in an eight-year-old boy? To answer this, one must look back before the foundation of this
world;^2 it was here where Joseph first agreed to allow his free will to be restricted, to help
ensure that he accomplished his mission during his final sojourn in mortality.

True Messengers “Unfolded”

Life on earth among mortals is most often perceived, by default, as a series of
random events with people born by chance, each pursuing individual desires of happiness
and each person being unique and identified “forever” by a single identity. True
messengers have always known how human existence started and developed before the
foundation of this world. Nevertheless, for the sake of the mortal experiences required of
the rest of us assigned to our temporary earth home, they have been under strict mandate
through the ages not to reveal the multiplicity of incarnations in which they lived to fulfill
their roles during the mortal stage of our development.
True messengers who have this knowledge have been properly called through a
face-to-face interaction with an advanced being. Once their brains have been altered by that
advanced being, they immediately see life as anything but random; rather, they then know
it is a highly orchestrated cycling process of birthing and death, incumbent on all mortals
assigned to a given solar system and earth. What their eyes see clearly is a paradigm of life
that all other living mortals cannot comprehend. All others accept the theories and
philosophies of men who are accepted as “inspired” or otherwise “divinely called.” But
those from whom mortals receive their beliefs and answers will never be able to provide a
proof-perfect (or a full) understanding of their theories and philosophies. This is because
they, like those whom they instruct, are restricted in their ability to remember and have no
real direct interaction with other, more advanced humans outside of our solar system.

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