Thirty-Seven (1842)
(^58) SNS, 50–2.
(^59) John C. Bennett, The History of the Saints; or, An Exposé of Joe Smith and Mormonism (Boston:
Leland & Whiting, 1842). (Also known as Mormonism Exposed by John C. Bennett.)
(^60) DHC, 5:2.
(^61) SNS, 81, 85–8, 188.
(^62) SNS, 94–5.
(^63) Compare D&C, 84:19.
(^64) DHC, 5:19, 20, 24–5.
(^65) SNS, 131–2, 180.
(^66) As quoted in Quinn, Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, 145: If Joseph Smith, [J]un., the
Prophet, had followed the Spirit of revelation in him he never would have gone to Carthage...and
never for one moment did he say that he had one particle of light in him after he started back from Montrose to
give himself up in Nauvoo. This he did through the persuasion of others. I want you all to
understand that...But if Joseph had followed the revelations in him he would have followed the
shepherd instead of the shepherd’s following the sheep.”
(): “A Series of Instructions and Remarks by Brigham Young at a Special Council, Tabernacle, March
21, 1858 (Salt Lake City, 1858) 3–4, emphasis added, pamphlet in Frederick Kesler Collection,
Manuscripts Division, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.” [This quote can
also be found in The Essential Brigham Young, Forward by Eugene E. Campbell (Salt Lake City: Signature
Books, 1992) 111–21.
See also D. Michael Quinn, Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, 757: “21 Mar. [1858],
...Brigham Young tells this special conference that Joseph Smith disobeyed revelation by returning to
Nauvoo to stand trial, that [the] church’s founding prophet lost [the] Spirit of God the last days of his
life, and died as [an] unnecessary martyr. [Brigham] publishes this talk as a pamphlet.”
(^67) Compare D&C, 1:38; 43:21; 61:1–3; 133:16–17.
(^68) BOM, 1 Nephi 4:13.
(^69) See “Illinois—Joe Smith Liberated on Habeas Corpus—His Appearance...,” New-York
Daily Tribune, 18 Jan. 1843: 1. “Senate Chamber, Springfield, Ill. Jan 5, 1843. Joe Smith, the Mormon
Prophet, as been before Judge Pope, of the U.S. District Court, at this place, for the last few days
upon a writ of habeas corpus. Smith had been arrested upon a warrant of our Governor, by virtue
of a requisition from the Governor of Missouri, founded upon the affidavit of ex-Governor Boggs,
charging, or attempting to charge, Smith with being accessory, before the fact, in an attempt to
murder him last May. Smith sued out a writ of habeas corpus from our U.S. District Court, to
obtain his liberty. The cause was heard yesterday. The Attorney General of Illinois, J. Lamborn,
Esq. appeared in support of the warrant and arrest, and Justin Butterfield, Esq. of Chicago, and B.
S. Edwards, of this place, appeared for the prisoner. After a full argument, Judge Pope decided this
morning that Smith was illegally arrested and should be restored to his liberty.”
(^70) DHC, 4:587.
(^71) John 17:4.