Joseph’s biography should end with his own words, as voiced to the author.
This book was written after several in-person interviews the author had with the
resurrected Joseph Smith. The author’s notes are numerous, both those written and stored in
his mind. The resurrected advanced human being, who was known as Joseph Smith, Jr. in
his last mortal incarnation, does not speak like he did as a mortal man. He does not use the
same phrases or words, nor are his character and personality the same as they were then.
The responsibility has rested solely on this author’s shoulders to present a reliable
description of Joseph and what he was called to do. It was a difficult task to properly
produce a brief epilogue that condenses the real truth about who Joseph was and what he
accomplished during his almost 39 years of existence in that particular incarnation.
Therefore, Joseph’s own words, taken directly from the author’s notes, seem a fitting end:
Considering the Universe in its splendor and glory sets the mind in quiet
moments of deep reflection and wonderment. But the mortal mind is
incapable of comprehending its significance. More difficult still is its ability to
create a logical conclusion of where each of us fits in the Universe. Unforced
by conscious will, the mind creates the wonderment and expands the desire
to know and understand. The answers are hidden from mortal ability that
powers thought. Being hidden does not imply that the answers do not
already exist in the mind. Each mind is equally endowed with the ability, not
to find them, for none are lost, but to recognize the answers when discovered
during the process of thought that leads to contemplation.
My last incarnation upon this earth consisted of a series of carefully prepared
steps to assist the mortal mind in recognizing the answers. I was not allowed to
give the answers. If I had, the mind would not have discovered its own abilities
and power. Each human living throughout the Universe knows the answers.
None knows more or less than any other. The principal law by which all humans
exist is perfect equality—equality in knowledge, equality in the ability for
opportunity and choice, and equality in joy. If we receive an answer from
another, then placing the wiser above us obstructs this principle of equality.
All humans were of equal knowledge and power when they were placed in
mortality. They are not equal in the ways and knowledge of their particular
mortal world, but their minds still retain eternal equality. Mortality was
intended to create inequality. By restricting the mind’s powers, it begins to
transcend itself as it reaches for its innate eternal potential. It invents things
that it does not know because it is not allowed to remember the things that it
does. The transcendent product of mortal thought is an attempt to satisfy an
innate longing to remember. This yearning exists from already knowing but
not being able to remember what is known.