Without Disclosing My True Identity
"lesser part" in the BOM, 163, 619
baptism (symbolic), 292, 490, 596
became convoluted by religious beliefs, 178–9
BOM gives not even "hundredth part", 367, 439,
496, 617
code of humanity and, 11, 21, 292, 405, 407,
606, 639
concerning his family, 59
concerning LDS/Mormons, 427, 491
fullness of the everlasting Gospel and, 11, 292,
429, 438, 465, 530, 566
given in parable, 209, 495
I never knew you, 427
leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees, 491
let the dead bury their dead, 578
putting new wine into old bottles, 104, 305
the "salt of the earth", 427
he that is not against us is for us, 403
kingdom of God is within you, 211–12, 531
liken all scriptures unto you, 112
love your enemies, 287, 405
no religious beliefs/practices are true, 212
people are responsible for own actions, 212
rejected by early LDS/Mormons, 589
Royal Law/Golden Rule/two greatest
commandments, 44, 104, 178, 211, 592, 627
sacrament, 440, 627
the new covenant, 428–9, 590
turn the other cheek, 405, 471
watch and pray always, 22, 440
true "church" of, never established
among Nephites/Lamanites, 440
among Saints, 361, 441
true messengers of, 79, 308, 367
created and reared by same eternal mother, 62
pre-mortal motivation of, 63
purpose for, 62, 127, 599
referred to as "prophets", 61
shown in endowment, 24, 246, 248–9, 546, 559
visions of C. (supposed), 159
by Oliver Cowdery, 431, 451
visit to Lamanites and Nephites, 9, 292–3, 603
C. gave the people their desires, 12, 293, 439
conditions prior to, 499
groaned within, 293, 418, 611
affect on Oliver, 606
reason for, 11–12, 200, 406, 439, 626
mentioned "priest" twice, 596
mentioned "Satan", 440
NO mention of temples following, 532
power/authority given to L. and N., 595–6, 616
prophesied throughout the BOM, 603
redeemed them from the fall, 179
suffered them to establish a church, 11, 295, 438,
taught them the fullness of the gospel, xxvii, 223,
291–2, 406, 438, 606
they begged him to stay, 439
twelve disciples chosen, 426, 619, 626
touched each one, 616, 619
what C. taught them, fully revealed in Human
Reality (2009), 10
words of Christ, 344, 618, See also Christ, gospel of
and Christ, message of
Americans and, 71, 392
brought forth unto the Gentiles, 360
concerning polygamy, 664
contrasted with U.S. Constitution, 498
fighting is contrary to, 433
given verbatim in the Bible and the BOM, 8, 12,
22, 223, 292, 364, 429, 465, 596
in relation to "becoming like a little child", 530
is the "power of the Holy Ghost", 241
LDS/Mormons and, 359, 382, 385, 430, 488,
491, 501
main emphasis of the BOM, 292, 407, 566
meant for native populations of Americas, 357
pure version given in TSP (2008), 12
results of heeding/accepting, 294, 382, 429,
599, 618
results of rejecting, 11, 78, 356, 359, 364, 407, 430
taught by "Nephite" apostles, 380, 506
teach us how to live in peace, 364, 440
true order of prayer and, 22
we should immerse ourselves in, 364
words of Isaiah and, 112, 402
yoke of, 68
Christians/Christianity, 160, 185
American Indians and, 380
beliefs of
baptism for the dead, 511
God and Christ desire to be worshipped, 211
laying on of hands, 611
one "chosen" race, 370
prayer to an outside God, 149
punishment and rewards, 176
superiority of the white race, 369, 388
Bible and, 494, 591
blindness of, 270
Book of Mormon and, 406
message of, meant for, 270, 370, 379, 458
people's perceptions changed by reading, 376
would not accpet authority of BOM, 611
Christ and, 65, 90, 111, 369, 539, 566
claimed they would never have crucified, 270
George Fox and, 345
given the opportunity to see others as their equals,
270, 370, 458
history of, 38, 85, 111
Christians overran Western Hemisphere, 370
originated from Judiasm, 269, 270
taught to Joseph Jr. by John the Beloved, 605
in America, 22, 51, 458, 511
Alexander Campbell and, 346
Cochranites/Jacob Cochran and, 639, 642