D&C, section 84, 527, 529
David Whitmer knew this, 589
encouraged followers to be a part of his
work, 341
evolved into Patriarchal Blessings, 340
filled with promises that people wouldn't
receive, 381
for David Whitmer, 620
for Hyrum Smith, 444, 606
for Martin Harris, 308, 323, 339, 615
for new converts desiring to go on
missions, 340
for Oliver Cowdery, 309, 328, 603, 605–6,
620, 641
for those who wanted to help in the "Lord's
work", 313
frustration about this responsibility, 279
J. grew weary from, 329
J. tried to warn the people, 350
Lyman Wight and, 513
meant for the Native Americans, 384
method of, 367
often contradicted each other, 309, 578, 623
on "New Jerusalem", 428–9
on baptism and priesthood authority, 308
on loving your enemies (D&C, section 98)
(influenced by Moroni and "the
Brothers"), 405
on plural marriage, 18, 36, 646, See also
polygamy, revelation on
to protect the women and put the
Church back in order, 646
on the "devil" having power over his own
dominion, 267
on the nature of advanced human beings
("angels"), 161
on the Priesthood, 622
on the purpose of the BOM, 300
on the state and manner of war, 405
on the Three Witnesses, 279
Orson Hyde and, 514
patterned to biblical rhetoric, 623
people referred to as "my people" instead of a
church, 324
purpose for, 214
requirements to be "in the service of God", 600
three witnesses would choose the twelve
apostles, 296
to calm the people's fears, 642
to calm the people's minds concerning stop of
the "work", 300
to keep Hiram Page quiet, 313
to protect the women, 669
to quiet their hearts, 405
to stop people from giving him advice,
300, 603
used Oliver's revelation in his own, 324
while in Liberty Jail, 413
presented information to all equally, 251
taken to planet of his creation, 272
teaching methods of, 590
training/development of, 44, 174, 185, 203,
207–8, 210
blueprint for, 209
involved "the Brothers", 214, 229, 240, 263
put to the test, 308
tried to teach them to live the fullness of the
gospel, results of not following, 413
voice equal to Christ's, 510
meaning of, 505
Bible and
retranslation of, 346, 511
took interest in after First Visitation, 204, 236, 250
Book of Abraham and, 13, 419
Book of Commandments/Doctrine and Covenants
and, 279, 441–2, 624, 644
Book of Mormon and, 96, 99, 284, 299, 338, 367
116-page lost manuscript, 295, 298–9, 322
authorship of, 462, 691
burned first manuscript of, 309
did not allow it to be translated into other
languages, 440
financing/printing of, 338–9
hope in, 294
J. had it delivered to dignitaries, 570
kept the true purpose for the BOM to himself, 323
prophecies concerning, xxvi, 111, 359
publication of, 3, 338
put verses from Isaiah in, 287
title page of, 322–3
translation of, 11, 69, 95, 103, 366, 505, 684, 691
caref for by others during, 339
Brigham Young and, 385, 494, 568, 668
B.Y. began to doubt J., 538
B.Y. reprimanded for his immoral affairs, 538, 668
J. sealed B.Y. to Cook and Adams, 668
J. sealed B.Y. to Decker, 668
J. warned members about, 480
J. was falsely represented by B.Y., 481
never called to apostleship by J., 625
brother of Jared and, 274
parallels to, 179–80
Christ and, 11, 60, 62, 180, 185, 218, 272, See also First
explained role to Joseph concerning Moses, 223
First Visitation and, April 6, 1820, 8
overseen by, 240
relationship with, 60
taught J. about Hyrum's role in the MWAW,
307, 467
Civil War, prophesied by, 388
claims of, 5, 85, 90
Community of Christ and (f/k/a RLDS Church), 2
critics and enemies of, 327, 549
Alexander Campbell, 347