Joseph Smith Biography

(Grace) #1

Without Disclosing My True Identity

followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it:
and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.^14

Sociality Before the Foundation of the World

As previously explained, true messengers were chosen, or better, volunteered, long
before our solar system was created.^15 During the planning stages of this solar system, some
of our siblings who had been created and raised to adulthood by the same advanced mother
who created our Christ, volunteered to help him in his work.^16 To understand how the
appointment of chosen messengers occurred before the foundation of this world, one needs
to understand the type of sociality that existed in the eternal, advanced world where we
were created and foundationalized as human beings.^17
Joseph hinted of these advanced societies, but rarely expounded upon this “mystery
of God,” being forbidden to do so according to the mandate. One time Joseph attempted to
reiterate that Christ was “a man like ourselves”^18 and that he lived in a society similar to our
own. Like most of his words, they were edited and compiled according to the desires and
ignorance of later LDS editors. The gist of just such an eternal world or “society,” however,
made it into print:

The same sociality that exists among us here will exist among us there, only it
will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy.^19

Human beings, not aliens or other creatures unfamiliar with human happiness, inhabit
advanced worlds throughout the Universe; with the human life form having the ultimate
experience possible.^20 All that brings us happiness in mortality upon this earth—which does
not create unhappiness for another human being—is experienced in these worlds.^21
Whereas, in particular, this biography is about Joseph Smith, we will now
concentrate on how he, or better, the being who incarnated as Joseph, chose to become a
true messenger, culminating with his final mortality, beginning in 1805. Moreover, to
accurately understand why he volunteered before the foundation of this world, we need to
put his relationship with our Christ into proper perspective.

Joseph’s Relationship to our Christ

The greatest majority of our existence and experience occurred on the home planets
of our creators long before our solar system was created.^22 This solar system is often referred
to as “the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”^23 Truly “the
Father” loved Christ “before the foundation of the world.”^24 The Christ, once raised to a
relative state of independence by his advanced mother, was turned over to his “father” (an
advanced male who has the power and responsibility to create new human beings). In this
way, the Christ could learn everything he needed to know to eventually oversee this solar
system for our particular batch of newly created human beings: those of us who will occupy
it as our own eternal home.
Once the Christ was turned over to his father,^25 his mother then continued to create
other children and raise them. The same mother who was responsible for our Christ^26 was
also responsible for the newly created human whose final mortal experience upon this earth
would culminate in the man named Joseph Smith, Jr. He was among the elder of the siblings

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