Jeff Smith's Guide to Head and Shoulders Portrait Photography

(Wang) #1

Subject Seating.

Many head and shoulders poses have the subject in a sitting position, so, like
most photographers, I use the typical posing stool for many of my shots. This
is fine—just be sure to adjust the height of your posing stool so that the short-
est person you photograph will be able to touch the ground. People have to be
grounded to feel comfortable and relax. If you prefer a taller stool, choose one
with a crossbar to rest the feet on (like a barstool). I have a variety of chairs,
stools, and ladders available to help add to the variety of poses I can create.

A Fan.

When creating a head and shoulders portrait of a woman with long hair, using
a fan can increase the drama, boosting the volume of the hair and adding


When the subject has long, full hair, a fan
can add flair to the image.

People have to be

grounded to feel

comfortable and relax.

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