Jeff Smith's Guide to Head and Shoulders Portrait Photography

(Wang) #1
Hair Light.The second light that I would consider a necessity in a low-key
area would be a hair light. This light is mounted above the center of the back-
ground and angled toward the subject’s head. I typically put the center hair
light about ten feet high for a typical head and shoulders area in which the sub-
jects will be seated or leaning. I place it twelve feet high in areas where the sub-
jects will be standing. Since the light is angled back toward the camera, it should
be fitted with a snoot, barn doors, or grid—or even painted cardboard bent
around and duct taped to the silver reflector (my method years ago!)—to make
sure that no light from this unit reaches the camera lens. This light should be
set to read one stop less than the main light. It is possible to get away with not
using a hair light, but you will have to use more light on your background to
ensure separation at the level of the hair.


Hair lights are used to improve separation
and enhance the luminance of long hair.

This light should be set

to read one stop less

than the main light.

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