Picture Yourself Making Jewelry and Beading

(Wang) #1

Sterling Silver Stamped Nature Earrings and Necklace Chapter 8

6.Using a^1 ⁄ 16 ” drill bit, drill holes into each of
the leaf shapes using a handheld rotary tool,
flex shaft, or drill press (don’t forget your
safety glasses).

7.Use the file or sanding pad to eliminate any
burs or rough edges left from drilling the
holes into the leaf shapes.

8.Use the fine grit sanding pad to go over the
surface of the leaf shapes to give them some
organic texture and to achieve a brushed
finish on the surface. You could also use a
steel brush, or green kitchen scrubber, and
use the hammering technique described in
Chapter 9, or the concrete textured tech-
nique from Chapter 6 for the surface finish
on the leaf shapes.

9.Decide where you would like the leaf “vein”
placement to be. You can use a marker to
draw where you would like them to be or
just randomly place them on the leaf shapes.

4.Measure^1 ⁄ 16 ” from each tip of the leaf shapes
and place a mark. This is where the holes to
attach the oval jump ring and eye pin with
the black hollow rubber tube will be drilled.

5.Put on your safety glasses. Place the sterling
silver leaf shapes onto a hard, flat surface.
Put the point of the awl on the mark that
you made^1 ⁄ 16 ” from the point of the leaf
shape and use a hammer to firmly strike the
top of the awl once to make a pilot hole for
drilling holes into the leaf shapes.

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