Picture Yourself Making Jewelry and Beading

(Wang) #1

Fun Variations—Combining Components Chapter 12

8.To cut I” 18-gauge sterling silver discs
from the sheet silver, use a marker to draw
around a penny. This will give you the I”
size needed for this project. Use a jeweler’s
saw or tin snips to cut around the outside of
the marker line. This will allow you room to
refine the edges with the file once all your
discs are cut. If using tin snips to cut, allow
extra space between the discs when drawing
around the penny so you will be able to cut
easier. It may be easier to cut the sheet silver
into squares then round the edges when

6.Put on safety glasses. With a hammer, gently
strike the tape-covered silver rectangle
pieces. The tape will darken where you have
made contact with the floral wire. You will be
trying to achieve a uniform darkness over the
floral wire area. When you strike the top of
the tape, use a firm strike; you do not want
to hit too hard. You can achieve the desired
texture more easily with many soft strikes
rather than fewer harder strikes. When the
tape has darkened where the floral wire is,
gently lift the tape and floral wire off of the
silver rectangle, and you will see indentations
made from the floral wire.

7.After you complete this process with all of
the rectangles, their edges will be misshapen
and sharp. Use the file to eliminate any sharp
corners and rough edges. After filing, use a
fine grit sanding pad to go over the area
where you filed to smooth the edges and
remove any file marks. Set the rectangle
pieces aside.

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