Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

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134 Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard

“other” automatically gets listed as Evil. The world
really isn’t a stark division of Good and Evil; there
are infinite shades of grey in everything. This is an
essential piece of knowledge for a Wizard: It allows
you to view others with compassion and to under-
stand that even those who claim to stand for some-
thing righteous will inevitably carry within them a bit
of what they claim to be against. If everyone under-
stood this, it would be impossible for zealots and
demagogues ever to come to power. One important
reason for developing the following categorizations
of multiple correspondences is to enable us to see
beyond dualism to diversity.
Keeping in mind that the Multiverse really can
count higher than two, and that people are not really
creatures of absolutes, but complex beings embody-
ing infinite facets and qualities, the following tables
of correspondence illustrate some of the traditional

Dyads, Dualities, and Opposites.
Practice creating your own tables of magickal
correspondences. Begin with two. Choose a concept
that is an important aspect of your life (family, art,
music, yourself...), and try to see a way that concept
could be divided into two opposite or complimentary
things. (For example, the concept of “Parents” in-
cludes “Mom” and “Dad.”) Try associating those con-
cepts with different colors (“Mom likes purple and
Dad likes red...”). Ask, “If each of them were an ani-
mal, what kind of animal would it be?” And you can
go on that way. As you study these various tables here,
feel free to add to them, or even make up your own.

Triads and Trinities
Just as any concept of Unity may be divided into
two opposing Dualities, two opposites may be recon-
ciled into a new synthesis (“put together”). The Greek

Triads and Trinities

SEASON Spring Summer-Autumn Winter
AGRICULTURAL Planting Harvest Fallow
PLANT PART Blossom Fruit Seed
TIME OF DAY Morning Afternoon Evening-Night
Childhood- Maturity- Seniority-
Adolescence Parenthood Old Age
WIZARD’S JOURNEY Apprentice Journeyman Adept
PASSAGES (male) Puberty Fatherhood Sagehood
PASSAGES (female) Menarche Parturition Menopause
TRIPLE GOD Youth Father / Man Sage
TRIPLE GODDESS Maiden Mother / Woman Crone
MOON PHASE New-Waxing Full Waning-Dark
QUALITY Innocent Creative Wise
ATTRIBUTE Inspiring Loving Frightening
FUNCTION Creation Preservation Destruction
STATE Fresh Ripe Decaying
QUANTITY Filling Full Empty
COLOR White Red or Green Black

EGYPTIAN GODS Osiris (father) Isis (mother) Horus (child)
CHRISTIAN Yahveh (father) Shekinah (holy spirit) Kristos (son)
HOLY FUNCTION Creation Resurrection Redemption
HINDU GODS Brahma (creator) Vishnu (preserver) Shiva (destroyer)
NORSE WORLDS Asgard (Heavens) Midgard (Earth) Hel (Underworld)
CHINESE REALMS T’ien (Heaven) Ti (Earth) Jen (human)
NORSE NORNS Urd (past) Verdandi (present) Skuld (future)
GREEK FATES Clotho (spinner) Lachesis (measurer) Atropos (cutter)
TAOIST TREASURES C’hi (vitality) Shen (spirit) Ching (essence)

ALCHEMICAL Salt Sulfur Mercury
PRINCIPLE Body Mind Spirit
KINGDOMS of LIFE Mineral Vegetable Animal
GURDJIEFF Affirming Denying Reconciling

Tables of Magickal Correspondences 2 and 3


Chinese Taoism



Earth Heaven
Moon Sun
Feminine Masculine
Receptive Creative
Negative Positive
Passive Active
Cold Hot
Darkness Light

Mother Father
Habondia Herne
Cerridwen Cernunnos
Isis Osiris
Artemis Apollo
Psyche Eros
Persephoné Hadés
Moon Sun
Chalice Blade
Crescent Horns
Spiral Staff
Cat Stag
Dog Wolf
Horse Bull
Rabbit Snake
Bear Boar
Owl Eagle
Spider Fish

  1. Practice.p65 134 1/14/2004, 4:21 PM

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